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Why Cycling is Important for Kids?

Why Cycling is Important for Kids

Posted on 12 June 2020 by Admin | cooking 3 min read

In a world that is dominated by "going digital", encouraging children to involve in a real-world environment can get tricky. Parenting preschool in this era means that you should always strive to keep your children off gadgets or their favourite PlayStations. Making outdoor activities more interesting than the indoor ones is crucial, and one such best outdoor activities for kids is cycling. It can be strenuous in the beginning, but with little efforts, cycling has the potential of turning into your kid's favourite pastime. Here are some health benefits of cycling which is evidence enough for you to start indulging your kids in cycling.

1 - Cycling helps build muscle mass

Cycling is great for your child's legs. It makes them strong and increases your child's overall stamina. Additionally, cycling also helps build muscle mass in children. The exercising motion of legs and a straight body posture that's maintained throughout helps in breaking of tissues, leading to muscle mass gain. Cycling is perhaps the easiest and simplest ways to build muscle mass in Children. Many playschools in Bangalore have cycling as a mandatory activity during play hours for the very same reason.

2 - Cycling exercises cardiovascular muscles

In addition to being a great activity for legs, cycling is also great for cardiovascular health of your child. The constant leg movements lead to an increased heart beat rates which promotes the health of cardiovascular tissues. This also helps keep the weight of your child in check, taking them closer to their ideal weight based on the Body Mass Index.

3 - Cycling strengthens the emotional well being of children

Cycling is not only a great physical activity for your child. Since it enables your child to move about freely and independently, it makes them feel responsible and more aware of themselves and their surroundings. It also boosts their self-confidence as they move around in the colony or in the neighborhood on their own without being dependent on their parents. This uplifts the overall emotional well being in children. Besides, children who go out for cycling together with other friends bond with each other, which also develops their social skills and adds to their emotional intelligence as they grow up.

4 - Cycling is a great stress buster

One of the easiest stress busters for children is cycling. It helps your child get their minds away from their school stress and refreshes them with energy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Cycling is a great option of playing outdoors and breathing in fresh air while doing so. Children often tend to become calmer after a refreshing bicycle ride in the neighbourhoods.

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