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Importance of Family time in your child’s life

Importance of Family time in your child's life

Posted on 06 Sep by Admin | cooking 3 min read

Family time is important throughout a person’s life. During the developmental age of a child, it is important that they are surrounded by a nurturing environment and family time is crucial to that. While academics, sports, arts and other hobbies are important for the holistic development of a child, their emotional well-being is equally if not more important. Kids require attention, no matter their age and if they don’t get it at home, they are prone to acting out. To give your child a safe and nurturing environment at home, it is important to spend time as a family. Here are some of the way’s families can spend time together:

Time to talk and listen:

Talking and being open is crucial to have a healthy relationship. This is true even with family members. People tend to gravitate toward people who listen to them. During a talk and listen to the session, each family member can talk about the things they want to share. It is important that the parents are open and don’t react in extremes to help the kid open up to them. These sessions can be helpful in the parents understand their kids and the kids understanding the parents reasoning for a decision. Having an open dialogue at home helps the kids develop emotional maturity as they don’t have to find ways to suppress their emotions or find different outlets.

Teaching family values:

Kids emulate their parent’s behaviour. As has been seen in many studies, kids with absent parents or not enough family time while growing up tend to stay away from having a family or not being there enough for their family. This is also a time for the kids to learn how to accept differences. Every person is unique and learning to accept every family member’s differences is great preparation for the diverse world of today. Allowing expression without judgment at home helps the kids develop self-esteem which is crucial to their identity.

Teaches independence:

Making kids to tasks under your supervision and helping them if they falter helps them learn from their mistake. These activities create a sense of independence in the kids. This helps them learn new skills and identify things that they enjoy. This is also a great way to spend more time with the kids and strengthen your bond. Letting them make certain decisions about them makes them feel listened to and makes them feel their opinions matter. This to build trust and intimacy in the family.

Making healthier kids:

Having family meals at least once a day helps kids develop healthier eating habits. Studies show that kids who have family meals regularly are less prone to having fried food, carbonated drinks and tend to have a lower chance of being obese. As kids grow up they tend to choose healthier snacks and continue a healthy diet after they start living on their own. Having meals together keeps the family engaged and in tune with each other. This helps to keep the family bond strong.

The emotional well-being of an adult is directly associated with their childhood experiences and memories. Not all memories and experiences will be positive but the ability to handle setbacks healthily can be taught to children during family time. This will make them prepared for many instances in life.

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